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About SWID
Slum Women’s Initiative for Development (SWID) is a Non-Governmental Organization that was established in 2003 and operates in 11 Districts of busoga subregion . SWID was formed at the time the Masese-Walukuba community was in the event of selling off the houses that were formally owned by Jinja Municipal Council, a situation that resulted into land grabbing. This kind of condition was as a result of traditional beliefs that denied women and girls the right to inherit land and property after losing their spouses or parents, discrimination and stigma among HIV positive women, a wide gap between leaders and community members, and a lack of knowledge of their legal rights. This prompted 30 women spearheaded by Nangobi Joyce to form SWID to advocate against land grabbing, Domestic Violence and the unjust evictions in Walukuba housing estate in Jinja Uganda. The organization has over 1000 members organized in groups from urban and rural communities. SWID is committed to ensuring that issues to do with land tenure security, regardless of how complex and multidimensional they are should be dealt with using a holistic approach. SWID’s approach is collective application for land titles which is cost effective for poor women and girls and it reduces the risk of women and girls falling victims of middle men who overcharge in the pretext of processing land titles.SWID is focused on building resilience of vulnerable communities in the fight of climate change and food insecurities through capacity building in crop production , best agronomic practices , Live stock production, trade and value chains, value addition and market access.
Kaliro District Gadumile subcounty Ekyebakola-Otyime farmers group.