SWID’s area of  operation was extended from Jinja District to  busoga subregion with 11 Districts By the government  of Uganda recognizing  the work well done. -SWID was formed to help the grass root women to defend their rights. The organization currently has over 1000 grassroots women as its membership in rural and Urban Districts  of  busoga subregion. SWID has helped Over 100 grassroots women to buy land and have land tenure ownership. SWID has also helped grassroot women to  build shelter . -“Grassroots women have been able to identify their own needs in the community and thereafter mobilize other community members to develop a system of group savings and rotation borrowing,” -Boosted agriculture among SWID members by introducing them to different agricultural practices and creating sustainable seeds for economic development. SWID has helped Many women and girls to inherit land and property which was not the case before  because  of  the  cultural beliefs that did not  favor  women and girls to inherit  land and property. -Men who used to despise women now respect them simply because women know their rights and in case they are violated, they know where to seek justice. -SWID has won awards and amongst them is the one got from Uganda entrepreneurs limited as the best community organizer, Jinja district. Through  Peer to Peer learning SWID has empowered many grassroots women economically . Grassroot women small holder farmers are now participating in trade , value chain and value addition. Grassroot women have planted trees participating in the fight of climate change.    
Our achievements

Empowering lives

SWID’s area of  operation was extended from Jinja District to  busoga subregion with 11 Districts By the government  of Uganda recognizing  the work well done.

  • Helped over 100 grassroots women to buy land and have land tenure ownership
  • Helped grassroot women to build shelter
  • Grassroots women have been able to identify their own needs in the community and thereafter mobilize other community members to develop a system of group savings and rotation borrowing
  • Boosted agriculture among SWID members by introducing them to different agricultural practices and creating sustainable seeds for economic development.
  • SWID has helped Many women and girls to inherit land and property which was not the case before because of the cultural beliefs that did not favor women and girls to inherit land and property.
  • Men who used to despise women now respect them simply because women know their rights and in case they are violated, they know where to seek justice
  • SWID has won awards and amongst them is the one got from Uganda entrepreneurs limited as the best community organizer, Jinja district.
  • Through Peer to Peer learning SWID has empowered many grassroots women economically
  • Grassroot women small holder farmers are now participating in trade , value chain and value addition
  • Grassroot women have planted trees participating in the fight of climate change.